Guiding, teaching, mentoring, and at the same time, learning. 

Throughout my career I’ve held many roles. Creative Director. Professor. Coworker. Team Member. Artist. Partner. Even Newbie. And while I’ve truly embraced every title along the way, one of my greatest joys is inspiring creativity in others. 

Whether I’m onboarding young art directors or tirelessly motivating students in the courses I’ve taught at the Cleveland Institute of Art, being a mentor is the role I was made for. I enjoy seeing eyes light up when I suggest pushing an idea a bit further. I love when my partners look to me for guidance. I also can’t get enough of those after-a-successful presentation moments, knowing we just sold through a solid creative idea and enlightened an entire marketing department in the process.

I couldn’t agree more with the words of American Poet Mark Van Doren, “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” There is nothing more fulfilling than helping creative people find their voice and find confidence in their talents.

I truly look forward to inspiring creative people, and enjoying the many successes that I know will come of it.


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